Co-Marketing Campaigns

Its time to dive into co-marketing campaigns that filmmakers can use to increase their product placement or corporate sponsorship value to product companies.

First, when and where to begin the campaign.  Well, it depends on the product you are marketing. For example, one of my favorite products right now is the XShot ( which is a camera extender or adjustable tripod. Its perfect for your iPhone and any action shots you want to capture.  XShot is good example to use because as a filmmaker you can advertise a special video using and showcasing XShot products.  In doing this you have created a marketable video you can use for your film and for the brand to us on their official site.  Offering this option in your sponsorship packages will increase your value to the product company.  From the film maker's point of view you have acquired a vital film equipment that you need for your production.  Behind-the-Scenes footage and photographer is another marketing tool you can use for product placement value.

Another co-marketing campaign that may interest filmmakers is to promote the product in a way that brings more sells to the company but also advertises your film or series.  A way to do this is to establish a marketing relationship with the company so when advertising the product via emails, social media or video ads in return the company is posting such advertising while bringing awareness of your product to their customers.  This will also work with your Indieogo and Kickstarter campaigns. With your funding campaigns allow the product company to place your funding campaign on their social media sites.  If its a National brand placing such fundraising campaigns on their site is not allowed.  Such advertising would only be an option for your local branding companies.  These are options you can communicate with your sponsor and your production team.  Do not offer this if you are not capable of fulfilling these advertising options. If budget is really tight just use social media and your email database to marketing your brands and link your social pages with the branding company.  When running advertising tweets or post on your social media sites, send them to your brand company, this includes productions stills or Behind-the-Scenes photos that include their product.  In return they will post on their sites to their customers, which brings a new audience to you.

Linking up to a charity that may benefit from being linked to your film or series is a great way to help a charity and market yourself.  MountainGirl Productions as a new LGBT travel series "Trip Out" and we have team up with Seven Even Clothing ( to help a portion of the clothing sells to the victims of Hurricane Sandy.  Maybe you have a short film about teen suicide, well team up with a suicide hotline and allow portions of your film sells to the organization.  Teaming up with a charity helps a cause that may represent your film.  I am all for helping others and if I can use my films and series to do so, I will every time.  You are helping to bring awareness to a cause but you are also advertising your film to the audience that will benefit from it the most.  As filmmakers we like to entertain but we also like to educate and helps others with our work. Please don't use this advertising platform to just bring in money to your film and you just link up to a charity for money.  That is not what I am saying at all and for one it not the nicest thing to do. I can see some of your heads just buzzing with ideas to bring in a charity so you can earn some money.  I only suggest this marketing tool to films and series that focus of a humanity issue or bring awareness to a cause.  My parents taught me that you must helps others no matter the situation.  I truly believe this and I use this life lesson in my work. Helps others and good things will come to you and your production.

Look we all know as filmmakers that what we try to do may not work out but at least you try.  Try to help other filmmakers and if it doesn't work at least you tried to help.  We all have to work as a community to help promote each other.

I have so many things I want to talk about but I want to see what questions you have about product placement and how to bring in sponsors.  I will answer all of your questions so bring them on.  We can talk about product placement in music videos, web series, TV and film (short or feature).  All you theatrical readers, let's chat about your plays and how to bring in sponsors.  This is going to be fun!!

Happy Holidays!



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