Happy New Years!

Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful New Years!! Let's make 2013 the best year possible. I sat down with my coffee, looking out the window to the rainy weather and I thought about where product placement will lead for 2013.  I see indefinite possibilities.  The film world is fully embracing product placement as a form of funding and the web world is capitalizing by creating branded series.  

Here at MountainGirl Productions we are pumped up for 2013. We are travelling around the US, Europe and Thailand. Yes Thailand!! So excited to travel with my Trip Out partner Steve Williams and Host Dina Martinez to Thailand. Its a trip of a lifetime. 

"The World's Most Dangerous Race" is an International television series I am producing with Louie Greeff which begins filming in June in S. Africa. Casting call will be announced. We will see who is crazy enough to take the ultimate adventurous challenge. 

With my producing partner Steve Williams we are producing a feature film titled "Following the Heart." The film will be directed by Steven Stiller, DP Anna Carrington and Casting Director Daryl Eisenburg. Shooting will take place in Morocco.  Its a love story like no other that takes place in Pakistan.  Its a story that continues to move me and cannot wait to dive into production. 

The year may even evolve into a move to Los Angeles.  Who knows, we never know what the year has in store for us.  But what I do promise is to enjoy and work the hardest I have ever worked to fulfill my dreams.  Look we are destined to have our ups and downs but it doesn't mean we have failed in anyway.  2012 made me realize that even your downs brings great lessons and accomplishments.  The downs just make you appreciate the good times even more.  So I say bring it on 2013.  Its going to be a fun ride!!

Cheers and like I always say...Move forward, don't look back.  You can hit a wall that way.



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