Product Placement Do's & Don'ts

Hi Guys & Ladies,

Sorry for being away for so long but amazing things happening at MountainGirl Productions.  We are working with some wonderful clients this summer and producing two projects.  Our two projects consists a LGBT travel series "Trip Out" and a feature film "Following the Heart."  Now in all of the excitement I have not forgotten where we left off. Let's talk about what you need to present to brands and why.  This blog post will be the do's and don'ts for Indie filmmakers and Indie musicians seeking product placement. 

When I receive calls asking for my assistance in product placement, my first question is do you have any distribution plans.  Early last year, I would not have to ask this because brands understood in time Indie filmmakers could seek out distribution via film festivals.  Sadly because Indie filmmakers used product placement funding to produce the film and were unable to get distribution, this resulted in brands seeking protection for money loss.  So now filmmakers you must have a plan, not an basic idea, I mean a detailed plan.  Look everyone knows distribution being set before filming can be difficult but brands need to know where you hope to premiere and market your film. I know some of you find this hard to believe but let me show it to you from the brands point-of-view.  If you don't have distribution how do you determine your audience demographic without audience demographic brands will not feel they are a fit for you.  You should be able to tell a brand who you think will watch it and where.  Let's say a New York based shoe company is interested in product placement but majority of their customers are based in New York and Boston area.  Then you plan to premiere your film in California, Georgia and Florida market, how is this New York show company going to benefit from being in your film.  

This is the biggest question you have ask yourself before approaching brands.  The answer will make a world of difference from a yes or no to product placement deal.  Research your film, the market and know the brands customers like the back of your hand.  A major don't is: Don't assume because your movie is about golf that every golf enthusiast is going to watch or even love your film.  Never assume this or you will end with closed doors from brands or looking around at the end of the day with zero profitability and marketability.  

Do: Research and only approach brands that will value your film and within your target audience.

These same tips can be made for Indie musicians.  Test your fans and learn more about them.  If you know your audience you can seek our brands that your fans will like and also benefit your needs.  Why not reach out to airlines or rental car companies to cover your tour needs and advertising to fans so they travel to your shows.  The product placement deal works for all parties. Figure out how you can advertise the brands and create an advertising monthly plan. Just some tips to pave the way to better product placement deals. 


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