Trip Out - Help Stop the Hate

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Trip Out is proud to be able to help the fight against hate.  We are starting a Dollar Donation Drive to help the Matthew Shepard Foundation.

That’s right, take time to out of your busy schedules to donate $1 Dollar on our Trip Out page to support the Matthew Shepard Foundation.  Why you may ask, well let me tell you what I witnessed in my neighborhood on Monday, September 9th.  I was sitting on my porch reading emails when I hear two boys yelling at a boy for walking like a girl.  I could see the young boy speed walking to get inside his home while the kids laughed going the opposite direction.  Now when I was a kid you got picked on and you hoped it would be over by the next day.  Well, we cannot turn our heads away from bullying any longer.  It is taking our youth’s lives everyday.

The Matthew Shepard Foundation is fighting to stop the hate each day at a time.  The Foundation was founded by Dennis and Judy Shepard in memory of their 21-year-old son, Matthew who was murdered in an anti-gay hate crime in Wyoming in October 1998.  The Foundation was created to honor Matthew in a manner that was appropriate to his dreams, beliefs, and aspirations, the Foundation seeks to “Replace Hate with Understanding, Compassion and Acceptance” through its varied educational, outreach and advocacy programs and by continuing to tell Matthew’s story.

The Foundation supports schools and theatre companies producing “The Laramine Project”, a spoken-word play that tells Matt’s story and the community reaction to his murder.  The Matthew Shepard Foundation provides educational and technical support for putting on the play, and where it can, provides on-the-ground assistance to augment the productions with community forums.  Judy Shepard also makes public appearances telling Matt’s story and showing the importance of standing up for the LGBT community. What makes the foundations so wonderful is the community support they offer the youth.  There are online resources and a blogging platform for the youth who are struggling to deal with coming out, family acceptance, bullying and harassment or faith issues.  Though the website Matthew’s Place ( which focuses on helping the youth who live in rural areas.  It’s estimated that 70% of youth report being bullied or harassed in school.

With your $1 Dollar donation you will be helping the Matthew Shepard Foundation continue their fight against hate and for the youth to feel supported by their community.  Stop Hate and share LOVE. Follow the Foundation’s vision and our support here at Trip Out: To replace hate with Understanding, Compassion and Acceptance

Click here to make your $1 Dollar Donation!  Trip Out thanks you for opening your hearts to the Matthew Shepard Foundation. 
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