Getting Your Locations Sponsored Part 1

Getting Your Locations Sponsored

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been approached by my clients and other filmmakers about the cost for their location needs for their projects.  My question back is always...why not get your locations sponsored?

When considering product placement and corporate sponsorship we tend to concentrate on wardrobe and props but it doesn't have to stop there.  When you look at your detailed budget, review items that can be obtained from a company, even these days you can get a service sponsored.  Need film editing or catering that is out of your budget, create a co-marketing campaign with the company providing the service.

We, Indie filmmakers and musicians have limited budgets to work with.  Every dollar counts! As a producer I know when I look at a budget, I can see the items that I can get donated and the ones that I can acquire a sponsor for.  I'm going to tell you how and why getting your locations sponsored works for all parties in the deal.

Before you reach out to the locations you need for your film, review your budget and the advertising benefits you can offer the location.   Reviewing the advertising benefits is key, without advertising a brand does not see the benefit to sponsoring your project. When determining your advertising benefits, try to think out of the box.  What can you offer in advertising in pre-production, production and post-production?  The advertising can be strictly digital to cut out out-of-pocket advertising.  How about offering advertising at film festivals and your premiere parties.  If you're running a crowd-funding campaign,  add advertising with the press release highlighting your campaign or social media mentions with your crowdfunding campaign.  If it's a product company, have the product as a prize for the donors.  Now you're heading into what you can do for your locations.

It does not matter what type of locations you need unless you're seeking medical offices you can offer the company co-marketing deals.  Co-marketing is like in-kind trade in advertising. Think of the phrase "I help you, you help me."  If your location is a restaurant, reach out to restaurants about the potential advertising to reach a new market and to expand the market they currently have.  In return for the free advertising, you use their restaurant for your film.  Book the restaurant to have your cast and crew wrap party so money goes back to the restaurant.  When you seek locations in exchange for sponsorship, you have to understand that even though you have the location for free, it will cost the business because they are allowing you to use their space which includes lighting and electricity.  If you're shooting during their business hours, understand that it's a day they have lost customers and what they usually make a day.  So take that into consideration when dealing with business owners.  In the end they will respect you more and may just get involved monetary for your next project or at your local events. 

When seeking sponsorship for locations think about what you can offer them before approaching them.  Treat them like Investors. I can't express enough, think long-term advertising.  Don't just offer placement in the film and think that's it.  Can you advertise the location on your film site, social media pages, in special videos thanking them.  Have fun with it and you will succeed.  

This is the end of Part One, Getting Your Locations Sponsored.  Look for Part 2, I will be going into great detail about various locations and what type of advertising you can offer.

Remember, have fun, there is no wrong or right to product placement. 



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