Katarina Cvitkovic

This is a quick post to announce my new partnership with Fashion Designer Katarina Cvitkovic.

I had the pleasure of attending the 2012 Charlotte Fashion Week in which Katarina premiered her clothing line.  I was in awe of her flowing and structure pieces.  I knew right away that I wanted to partner with Katarina to showcase her Karin line to my fans and also in my film/tv projects.  

She will be my lifelong friend and personal clothing designer!

You can now follow her brand and purchase some of her amazing designs. Check her out at: 

Here's is a link of photos so you can see her collection at the PLITZS New York City - Fashion Week that took place in September 7-8, 2012: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152114868180523.912284.836255522&type=1

Thank you Katarina for allowing to me wear your beautiful clothing!! Pics of Karin line will be posted in this blog so stay tuned.


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